The dance practice Dynamic Expansion, created by Shannon Cooney dancer, choreographer and craniosacral practitioner, is based in connecting with the physical phenomenon of the Craniosacral (C/S) system with movement and dance via improvisational forms.
In the workshop participants are introduced to techniques to tune into this profound rhythm and go directly and deeply into this calm, dynamic, self-witnessing. The techniques taught incorporate natural, fully physical, energetic, and subtle dance/movements that are guided into improvisations. As the work evolves, one's capacity to remain wholly connected to this vital rhythm while expanding into varied dynamic states of presences is at the heart of the practice.
Dynamic Expansion offers many possible applications to one's personal artistic/creative work practice including: a vibrant palette/range of movement qualities, enhanced depth of focus, heightened and subtle states of presence, refined self-perception skills, new systems of connecting with others and, profound experiences in the sensorial field.