Film Somatische Akademie, Berlin 2018

Fielding - solo with cases

The choreography for Fielding: solo with cases is shaped by the performance of Moveable Cinema scores drawn by Marla Hlady from her series “Graphic Scores (2010)” and “Sound Events (2010)” (Ink and graphite on paper). These multilayered drawings are integrated spatially, viscerally and temporally.

The cases are sound objects created by Marla Hlady. They are playing music and sound continuously, only the movement of the cases silences them momentarily, and when moved again they continue to play. They are the dimensions of a Vinyl record carrying case.

Curated by Ingo Reulecke for the Somatische Akademie- performance series, June 19, 2018
Curated by the Vulva Klub in December 2018, performed at the Vierte Welt, Berlin Kreuzberg


Funded by The Canada Council for the Arts with support from the Tanzfabrik Berlin

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Research supported by the Toronto Dance Community Love-In,  the Oxygen Art Centre, Nelson BC, Weld Company, Stockholm, Çıplak Ayaklar Kumpanyasi, Istanbul.