Dynamic Expansion and  Moveable Cinema

Dynamic Expansion: movement research of the Fluid Body embodiment with expanded consciousness.

Moveable Cinema: perception of the felt-sensed visual field while in movement, as well as an agent for movement

Dynamic Expansion workshop far Nyon 2022Moveable Cinema is a movement practice created to expand the felt-sense and consciousness of vision while in movement. Shared though a series of mandalas (or practices) it enables one to find a unique path to research consciously how the expanded sense of vision can tune one into one’s body and acutely to the present. Beyond self-oriented practice, practices with others challenges and enriches subtle and powerful forms of witnessing. This becomes a vital and reliable tool for performance.
Moveable Cinema exists within the frame of Dynamic Expansion an integrated embodiment approach to orient to the Craniosacral System; tuning into it’s waves and stillness phenomena, grounds the practice.

This practice offers many possible applications to one’s personal artistic/creative work or practice including: a vibrant palette/range of movement qualities, joy in movement, fine-tuned visual field perception, enhanced depth of focus, heightened and subtle states of presence, refined self-perception skills, new systems of connecting with self others and, profound and grounded experiences in the sensorial field.

Class length, 1 1/2 to 2 hours

Workshops variable length

Teaching Schedule

Regular Classes in Berlin WEDNESDAYS 18:15-19:45 

For Online information, please note you must sing in through a Program called fitogram.


Please go to: tanzfabrik-berlin.de to educate yourself on their new protocols for classes before arriving at the door.

Damaged Goods/Meg Stuart, Tanzfabrik, Sasha Waltz and Guest’s, HZT-Universtiy of Art, Berlin, Toula Limnaios, LaborGras,Sensing-In, Berlin, fabrik Potsdam, Le Pacifique CDC-a Grenoble, CND, Lyon, France, Circuit-Est, Concordia University, Montreal, P.A.R.T.S., Raffiniere, Brussels, York University, Dancemakers, Hub 14, Love-In, Toronto, Working Class, Vancouver, Dance House Dublin, Ireland, ImPulsTanz, Tanz Quartier, Wien, Weld Company, Danszentrum, Cullberg, DOCH -Uniarts Stockholm, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, Theater Bremen, Dansehallerne Coppenhagen u.a.