May this assemblage of news, reporting of past and upcoming events and timelines of my collaborations, work and offerings find you well and in some gentle manner of finding balance.
Since the last Newsletter, the world reopened post lockdowns, and then it felt to me, like it re-shut at the same time with the hostility our eastern neighbours are enduring. Constantly sending wishes for peace/no war. I had hoped we would globally walk out from the challenges of the Pandemic 2020-2022 together, united. I constantly have to recalibrate. I am grateful to have a practice in mindfulness and grounding through my dance and creative work. Also in my Craniosacral practice and co-creative work with Nature, as it feels all I can truly “do” is find ground then connect with community and either by offering or asking for support from there.
Fluid Resilience
With pleasure to announce that Fluid Resilience will be presented in the Festival farº Nyon August 18-19-20, 2022.
I gratefully received an invitation to present an outdoor, site-specific version of Fluid Resilience by the festival director Anne-Christine Liske for this year’s iteration of farº’s festival.
For this version we have the chance to perform in a forest clearing in Nyon, Switzerland. I will offer a workshop and we will engage in conversations hosted by the festival. We have invited Jan Burkardt to step in for Jared Gradinger whose other engagements keep him abroad. Jan will join Sigal Zouk and myself to perform, bringing his uniquely beautiful approaches to the work.
Perhaps added this to your end of summer agenda, would love to see curious and attentive audiences there.
We gratefully acknowledge the support from the NPN- National Performance Netz for Co-Production funding, as well as the International Exchange Program from the Berlin Senat for travel funding.
Fluid Resilience 2020 Homepage
Current Projects
Dis-Tanzen /Dis-Tanz-Solo
An initiative from Der Dachverband Tanz Deutschland called Neu Start Kultur, was derived to find ways in which to support artists whose work was effected and prohibited during the Pandemic 2020-2022. They supported an incredible amount of dance/performance artists and projects in Germany.
I gratefully received a “Dis Tanzen/ Dis-Tanz-Solo" grant to support self-directed solo research in the field of somatic and embodiment work and time to integrate them into my teaching practices. I have loved so much these 5 months or expanding my experiences and honing my abilities. I love learning.
With this grant I was able to spend focused time deeply engaging, studying and having personal coaching/supervision with Bonnie Gintis. She is an extraordinary woman and great source of knowledge and experience as an osteopath who is also a Continuum practitioner, her combination of this work has inspired me since reading her Book “Moving with the Breath of Life “ in 2009.
I also studied and am moving towards certification of ELDOA ( greated by Guy VOYER) a stretch/strengthing body fasciae conditioning. I learned this initially from my beloved dance partner from Dancemakers, Carolyn Woods, and then more recently with Janine Jacques and Sarah King in Berlin. It’s intelligently designed work through the fluid/fasciae system and has much potential to interweave in my existing teaching of Fluid Body consciousness and movement from that source.
I was also enabled to study with Michael Kern in London, director of the Craniosacral Educational Trust. I attended an intensive course in a Biodynamic Craniosacral approach to Death and Dying, which was so inspiring, rich and compassionate.
The River
Public in Private's upcoming event THE RIVER part 1 by Aimé C. Songe alias Clément Layes
THE RIVER PART 1 by Aime C. Songe
is happening outdoors in the summer and autumn, on a small boat floating on the waters of Berlin. An experiment for one spectator at the time, a dreamlike moment on the edge of reality.
THE RIVER PART 2 by Jasna L. Vinovrški
is taking place indoors, in the winter, in a theatre space where a space/sound installation, a solo performance and video projection will be experienced as an intimate parkour.
Both events deal with death, dying and grief - life-changing, intimate experiences that have the power to reopen life and change the way we look at the world.
In the moment I was Invited by Clément Layes to join a group of 4 other dance artists, to take turns through out the summer to row a boat, and offer a one-to-one performance on the River Spree i felt immediate resonance with this and engaged with this generous work. Addressing themes of grief and personal experiences of the artists of Public in Private, the River Part 1 opened June 24 and continues all summer.
It may very well be sold out by now, but perhaps a place remains, check this site for further information.
Past Events
Zero Point
There is a new dance/art space in Berlin guided by a collection of wonderful curious artists, called Zero Point in the Warteburgerstr. , in Kreuzberg.
In March, I was invited by Meg Stuart, along with her collaborators Abraham Hurtado, Isabel Pauwelyn and Descha Daemgen to an event called “come meet us”: a blind date platform for live artist encounters. I was fortunate to get connected with Doug Weiß and Mariana Carvalho, I shared my practice that was the source for my work in 2013 every one everyone, and offered the subtle, dance of a sway in a craniosacral entrained rhythm, and Doug and Mariana swayed and offered sound, music, exchange and experiential sonic environments. It was an excellent affair.
Movement Artisans
In April, I had the pleasure to engage and offer my teaching approach within ‘The Movement Artisans’ Kira Kirsch and Antoine Ragot’s ongoing teaching modules in Axis Syllabus Research and training.
So beautiful to meet and share and encourage craniosacral, Fluid body consciousness with an attuned group in the newly renovated Lake Studios Friedrichshagen. The Movement Artisans are creating these ongoing modules, and offer a balance of depth and joy in movement research, do investigate if this interests you.
HZT_ UdK Berlin
Since the beginning of the Spring semester at the HZT Berlin I have been sharing my teaching practice to the BA students for dance. This particular group is very inspired and inspiring, perhaps after two years of dancing in living rooms? Or for some their education on hold due to international borders being shut etc. Feels like a reciprocal practice as I offer them my practice, I witness them embody and take it on in their own unique ways. They are present, astute, and take nothing for granted, it’s truly nourishing.
Fortuna Berlin
48 hrs Neukölln
Fortuna – a former betting shop in in Neukölln, Berlin has been a home to a collection of artists since the fall 2021, sharing spaces for research, making, work-shopping, performances , exchanges of many sorts etc. Anne Zacho Søgaad curated a weekend inside the context of “48 Hours Berlin” called Cellular Landscapes June 26, 2022. We integrated another version of the Sway practice and had a steady flow of folx engaging with us.
Coming Up
In late August, Lesandra Dodson long-time colleage and choreographer will come to Berlin with the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts. My invitation is to facilitate some aspects of Lesandra's already rich creative practice. Having not seen one another for many years, she attended I workshop hosted my Mocean Dance Company in Halifax in 2016, inspired by these approaches I have developped we will spend focused time exploring potential intersections and create space for emergence of new practices.
Craniosacral/Expanded Consciousness sessions have many benefits for wellness including: deeply easing stress, deep rest for the nervous system, increased vitality, unwinding of unwanted habits, and increased general well-being. Craniosacral also has many benefits for Health (active definition of health: as "not a state but a search for equilibrium") including; improved eyesight/vision, reduced acute pain, rehabilitation in the neural field, learning disabilities, gross and fine motor problems, developmental delays, autism, headaches, tinnitus, TMJ syndrome, stress disorders, trauma and neurological conditions.
My work with Craniosacral work is a hybrid practice which includes working with expanded consciousness and with Nature. I work co-creatively with each client given one's individuality and needs. Please note that some themes and issues could find resolution in one session, some in three to four sessions and others over time.
Berlin Practice days Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday afternoons.
Please bring a Mask for session work.
I am also continuing to practice long-distance sessions for those who wish. I have received very positive feedback and one of the beautiful benefits of these sessions is I am able to offer continuity for my international clients. Please be in touch if this mode of working interests you.
Summer Berlin Pratice break from 14.07.2022-08.08.2022
Blessings for a blissful summertime.
Public transport
U-Schlesisches Tor, 450m walking OR Bus 265 direction: S-Schöneweide, One Stop: Taborstr. or
S-Treptower Park, walking 1,3 km or Bus 265 direction: U-Stadtmitte/Krausenstr. Three Stops: Taborstr.
Session details
Session duration: 75- 90 minutes
Session fee 90€
Call or send an e-mail for session inquiries:
+49 (0)30 53028030
+49 (0)151 504 26 223, or SMS,
Craniosacral Professional Develeopment sessions:
Sessions in this hands-on non-invasive healing practice last 90 minutes, please dress comfortably, or bring a change of clothes. For example: training pants and a t-shirt with socks.
It is optimal when one's skin is covered for this work with simple clothing for example: not too many shoulder straps, no hoodies please, fancy zippers, thick jeans etc.
Please note: Cancellations made before 24 hours notice will not be charged. Thank you for your understanding.
Termine nur nach Vereinbarung
Terminverhinderungen: 24-Stunden-Regel
Vereinbarte Termine sind verbindlich und kostenpflichtig, falls keine rechtzeitige Absage erfolgt.
Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Verständnis
Wishing you very well.
As always, grateful for your support,