Seasonal Greetings, hoping this finds you as well as well can be in our global health search for equilibrium. Hoping we can collectively arrive at moments of expanded grace together in the very near future.
In these challenging times, I feel very compelled to express my gratitude to those who have, at various levels assisted my processes in Art, Health, and with my relationship with Nature in both personal and professional developments; enabling me to actively live and experience their intersections and co-creative capacities.
First, to my love-life-partner Jürgen Török, whose expression of love daily teaches me of love’s depth and simplicity all in the very same breath.
Joanna McIntyre, the extraordinary healer/facilitator with whom I have had the immense pleasure and expansive challenge to be mentored by for 20 years. Robert Harris, my Craniosacral teacher/mentor for 20+ years, continues to guide my touch and deep inner listening.
In art-making, I have the great pleasure to work and exchange for a decade with dramaturge Igor Dobricic , and over 2 rich decades with facilitator, visual artist and professor Marla Hlady.
I wish to make a special mention to Ludger Orlok, creative producer for many years at the Tanzfabrik Berlin. I am so grateful for his unwavering support, insight and encouragement for my own dance work. As he moves out of his role at Tanzfabrik and on to new adventures, I can truly see and appreciate the ripple of his work in the ever growing and evolving dance world in Berlin, through others he has suported and wish him only the very best.
I have been graced with an extraordinary band of friends, and a dynamic family, I love you.
I have endless gratitude to the people who join my dance work; classes, workshops and attend performances as well as the people and organizations that support these exchanges.
And, to the clients of my private practice, for their co-creative participation, curiosity and openness to expand their consciousness, integrating our exchanges into their unique processes that evolve in such vital and incredible ways, I thank you.
Wishing one and all onward flow into 2022.
Fluid Resilience
The above photograph was taken during my a movement research workshop at Flussbad Berlin, curated by Anne-Christine Liske, as part of her Master’s degree in Curatorial Studies, University of Leipzig.
As part a whole program “Humans as Watery Beings” with a wonderful collection of artists and science researchers. What I offered was a hybrid of Fluid Resilience, offering this fluid body exploration workshop and hosting a talk with collaborator and Resilience Alliance expert Senior Research Fellow Dr. Allyson Quinlan.
It was elevating to be involved in this Master’s work taking place at a community-driven initiative: to integrate urban life with Nature, through reconstituting a swimming spot in Spree River Canal in one of the oldest areas in Berlin.
We are responding to invitations as well as seeking future venues to perform Fluid Resilience, and we are interested to keep the Resilience conversations and workshops as part of the presentation /production process.
Fluid Resilience 2020 Homepage
Feel invited to a recently edited Teaser by Ben Mergelsberg danced by myself and wonderful partners, Jared Gradinger and Sigal Zouk from our production October 2020, Tanzfabrik Berlin.
State Dinner at Schloß Bellevue
To my honour, in October I was invited to meet our newly appointed Canadian Governor General, Her Excellency The Right Honourable Mary May Simon, on the occasion of the state dinner hosted by His Excellency Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of the Federal Republic of Germany and Ms. Elke Büdenbender.
Such an incredible evening, and so wonderful to meet our first Indigenous Governor General, along with her Husband Whit Grant Fraser, to meet again Ambassador Stéphane Dion. Also wonderful to be introduced to some of the members of her delegation including Louise Bernice Halfe – Sky Dancer, and Lisa Koperqualuk. As well as fellow Canadian Artists living and working in Germany: Jeremy Shaw, film and performance, David Antonides, visual artist, and many other respected guests with whom I had the pleasure to meet, some of whom are people doing extraordinary work, truly uplifting.
Canada State visit to Germany October 2021 Frankfurt Book Fair
HIVE Estonia
The HIVE Sweden of 2021 has been shifted to HIVE Estonia for September 2022
We have a vibrant group of artists who've accepted invitaitons and will transfer to this new location, gather in person or in new hybrids for creative exchange. Joyfully looking forward to that.
Last weekend Claudia Hill hosted a private showing of a film documentation of the process portion of her vibrant Co-Weaving research project.
Shot and edited by Heidrun Holzfeind in Berlin, this intimate group of collaborators met to share in an afternoon. Claudia has been hosting a 125-year-old loom in her atelier and exploring creative research through dance/performance, and co-weaving with myself, Samuel Draper, Shelley Etkin and Jared Gradinger over the last eight months.
This work has a beautiful future and will evolve with potential iterations planned. To follow this co-weaving work:
Upcoming Workshops:
Practice of the Practitioner 2022 Berlin
“The Practice of the Practitioner: a guide to hands-on bodywork from a Craniosacral perspective”
This workshop teaches fundamental and enhancement skills in the practice of touch.
Practices taught will include: in-depth sensing methods, practitioner’s posture and ways to facilitate its fluid adaption, sense-oriented and mind-integrated meditations, hand movement techniques, and orientation to craniosacral system stillness.
This is taught via a combination of lecture, and practice of the non-invasive techniques on self and others. There will be non-invasive hands-on work and directed feedback.
It is open to people who have or want to begin to develop a hands-on bodywork practice, for example; craniosacral practitioners, for Yoga and Dance Instructors engaging in touch, massage therapists, healing touch, nurses etc. Course is taught in English with simple German Translation as needed.
Part One is a two-part introductory workshop spanning over two weekends:
Part One A: March 11th 19-20:30, 12th 11-18:00 and 13th 11:00-17:00, 2022
Part One B: April 2nd 11:00-18:00 and 3rd 11:00-17:00, 2022
Part Two is for advancing the Practice, sharing more techniques, self-other orientations and personal tutorials.
Part Two: TBA
Workshops take place at Studio 142, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 1st floor right, Room 142, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg
Practice of the Practitioner Info
Berlin Teaching
Weekly Classes
Teaching this season's last Tanzfabrik Kreuzberg Wednesday evening 18:15-19:45 Studio 3 class tomorrow December 15th.
Dynamic Expansion: somatic practice of dance and movement in tune with the Craniosacral principles, incorporating Moveable Cinema practice: heightened visual field perception in movement at Tanzfabrik-Berlin
Class Description Dynamic Expansion
Tanzfabrik HOLIDAY BREAK, my classes resume Wendesday evenings starting January 5th, 2022.
Craniosacral/Expanded Consciousness sessions have many benefits for wellness including: deeply easing stress, deep rest for the nervous system, increased vitality, unwinding of unwanted habits, and increased general well-being. Craniosacral also has many benefits for Health (active definition of health: as "not a state but a search for equilibrium") including; improved eyesight/vision, reduced acute pain, rehabilitation in the neural field, learning disabilities, gross and fine motor problems, developmental delays, autism, headaches, tinnitus, TMJ syndrome, stress disorders, trauma and neurological conditions.
My work with Craniosacral work is a hybrid practice which includes working with expanded consciousness and with Nature. I work co-creatively with each client given one's individuality and needs. Please note that some themes and issues could find resolution in one session, some in three to four sessions and others over time.
Berlin Practice days Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.
*Due to laws in Germany around health and safety due to the Pandemic, I am offering in-person sessions following the "2G+" rule until further notice.
I am also continuing to practice long-distance sessions for those who wish. I have received very positive feedback and one of the beautiful benefits of these sessions is I am able to offer continuity for my international clients. Please be in touch if this mode of working interests you.
End of Year break from 21.12.2021-06.01.2022
Blessings for health, joy and an abundance of peace.
Praxis am Garten, Puschkinallee 4A, Ground floor, last door before the garden.
Public transport
U-Schlesisches Tor, Bus 265 direction: Puschkinallee/Elsenstr, Stop: Eichenstr./Puschkinallee
S-Treptower Park, walking 350m or Bus 265 direction: U-Stadtmitte/Krausenstr. One Stop: Eichenstr./Puschkinallee
Session details
Session duration: 75- 90 minutes
Session fee 90€
Call or send an e-mail for session inquiries:
+49 (0)30 53028030
+49 (0)151 504 26 223, or SMS,
Craniosacral sessions:
Sessions in this hands-on non-invasive healing practice last 90 minutes, please dress comfortably, or bring a change of clothes. For example: training pants and a t-shirt with socks.
It is optimal when one's skin is covered for this work with simple clothing for example: not too many shoulder straps, no hoodies please, fancy zippers, thick jeans etc.
Please note: Cancellations made before 24 hours notice will not be charged. Thank you for your understanding.
Termine nur nach Vereinbarung
Terminverhinderungen: 24-Stunden-Regel
Vereinbarte Termine sind verbindlich und kostenpflichtig, falls keine rechtzeitige Absage erfolgt.
Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Verständnis
Wishing you very well.
As always, grateful for your support,