Hoping these end-of-November greetings from Berlin find you well and warm in the ever-shifting balancing act of, balancing.
Thus far 2022 has been a year of plenty, for which I am grateful. It’s been full of eclectic projects; reconnecting with people and artists, workshops for dancers and communities, studies and learning, returning to travel to other places, deep learning, sharing and expanding.
Fluid Resilience
The above photo is from from our preformance of Fluid Resilience to far* Nyon Festival in Switzerland in August.
Anne-Christine Liske invited the work to be transformed into an outdoor landscape. Sigal Zouk, Jan Burkhardt and I worked with Dramaturg Igor Dobricic to inhabit Le Boiron in Nyon for a week in August.
The gift of this invitation was not only an opportunity to share the work with a broader pubic, but also gave it a chance to inhabit and work co-creatively with Nature. In the Resilience theory and practice inspiring this art-work; beholding Nature as a complex-adaptive system, the choreography adapted to living environment and Nature, was not a backdrop, but as a co-creative agent in the work.
We arrived in the drought conditions of this dry European summer, barely any water in Le Boiron river, dry cracked earth, and brittle leaves. Throughout the week the rains came, the small river filled up more to it’s banks and in the wet of it all there was such lushness and thriving of plant, tree, scents, insects and beings.
While in Nyon, a workshop was offered to the community and with many in atendance, we danced on the shores of Lake Geneva, with Mont Blanc in the distance while alongside Roman Bath ruins.
We are in conversation with producers for future iterations; both indoor and outdoors and working towards a Berlin version in 2023, as well a tour to Canada with possibilities so far with partners in Ottawa and Toronto.
We gratefully acknowledge the support from the NPN- National Performance Netz for Co-Production funding, as well as the International Exchange Program from the Berlin Senat for travel funding.
Fluid Resilience 2020 Homepage
Current Projects
Stipendium Tanzpraxis
As 2022 winds down, I am pleased to announce that I am one of the recipients of the Tanxpraxis Stipendium awarded by the Berlin Senate: for 18-months to focus on my Dance Practice. I am so very grateful for this on so many levels.
This vital Stipendium is the result of years of deliberation, advocacy and commitment from a focus group of volunteers representing the Berlin Dance milieu. Their objective was to create a foundational platform of support in order to sustain dance artists for 18-month and to allow for the richness and possibilities that unfold with such support. I am honoured to be in the esteemed company of the 2023-24 artists; each of us will receive a monthly support that affords us a moment of release from our regular self-employed demands and the gift of time and space to both deepen and expand our art practice in Dance in Berlin.
I will update and share as i go on what projects this enables me to engage in. I will dedicate a page in my (about to be updated) website to document moments, collaboartions and events.
Creative Facilitation
With a collaborative practice spanning over several years, Francesca Pedulla invited me to work as a creative facilitator for her collaboration, solo dance performance work PROP. Her collaborative team has a rich history, which is evident in her production. She is exquisite in her fluid ability to move, adapt, shift and change, blending her embodied feminine wisdom and youthful curiosity. PROP has been touring this lately, and welcoming curious presenters for it to play in new venues and spaces.
This link is a window into Francesca Pedulla's work “Prop: A performance about otherhood by Myelin Zone”
Dublin, December 2022.
After years of mutual respect and inspiration, I will be joining Ailish Claffey –Kildare and Dublin dance artist, for 10 days to explore and experiment and to sew the seeds for a new dance work. Funded in part from her Artists’ Bursary from Kildare Platform31, Arts in Co Kildare, Local Arts Ireland, and Arts Council Ireland with my Berlin Sentate Tanxpraxis stipendium. We are going to dive in ( literally in the Irish sea?) and figuratively into artistic creation process in Dance House Dublin.
Ailish and I met in 2010 when Peter Boneham selected her for a Choreographic Dance lab, hosted by Paul Johnson and Dance Ireland. Tedd Robinson was the monitor for the process-which I had the pleasure to assist.
SPECIAL NOTE: Beloved Canadian dance artist, icon, and legend Tedd Robinson “left this moral coil” in August 2022. He will be greatly missed but always remembered for his brilliant wit, keen eye, unique choreographies, his mentorships, and friendships.
Answering the question “what will Tedd do next?” I hope his spirit will transform and the “doing” will be keep alive by those who had a taste for his zest of life and innovations in dance, and pass it along.
Workshops at Danscentrum Syd, Malö 23.01-26.01.2033
and Danszentrum Stockholm with partner Dansalliansen 06.02.-10.02.2023
Past Events
Sweden Stockholm collaborations:
Recently returning from Stockholm and inspired by some aging and newer collaborations I am looking forward to their future evolutions.
In early November I had a wonderful week with a workshop and morning classes at Cullberg, which marks 6 years and several times working with this extraordinary group of artists and sharing and evolving my teaching practices with them. I love working in dance in their company, truly.
A new collaboration I am intrigued by followed an invitation from Josefina Björk,
She hosted a workshop of mine for Artists (not restricted to Dance) in Stockholm,
Called Back2Work, which was excellent.
Josefina is a part of a collective who bought and infuse culture, social projects, geology and Resilience into a decommissioned iron mine in the middle of Sweden. We are exploring how our practices could co-inform, or join in a future project in Ställbergs Gruva.
As of October 2022, I am now certified as an ELDOA* trainer. I find this work, created by osteopath Guy VOYER to be very intelligent, restorative, healing and helpful. I will be integrating into my practices and will continue to practice it myself, so curious where it will lead me.
*This is a stretch-strengthening for the fascial system designed throug dynamic postural forms with a tenfold of health benefits.
The Practice of the Practitioner: a guide to hands-on bodywork from a craniosacral perspective”
This is a two-part introductory workshop spanning over two weekends.
Part One A: March 10th 18:00-20:00, 11th 10:30-18:00 and 12th 10:30-17:00, 2023
Part One B: March 25th 10:30-18:00 and 26th 10:30-17:00, 2023
For more information
Berlin Teaching
Weekly Classes
Please come before the Winter Pause to these wonderful weekly classes.
Special NOTE: I will be on a sabbatical from these classes for one-year. There are developments for the practice to continue Starting at the same time and to be led by people who have embodied the practice, whom have worked with me for years. Please see posts at TANZFABRIK for updates in the way we will offer this work.
I love this weekly class since 12 years i am offering them once a week. I call them my Garden or Laboratory, as all i research and share and experiemnt within my pactice takes place here. I am taking a break as part of the Tanzpraxis stipendium i received from the Berlin Senate. So grateful for the Tanzfabrik Berlin - Gisela Mueller and team for the support of these. Such an incredible opportunity to offer these, and to be supported to take a Sabbatical. Thank you.
Tanzfabrik-Berlin Winter Pause 22.12.22-08.01.23
Dynamic Expansion: somatic practice of dance and movement in tune with the Craniosacral principles, incorporating Moveable Cinema practice: heightened visual field perception in movement at Tanzfabrik-Berlin
Class Description
Dynamic Expansion/Moveable Cinema
Craniosacral/Expanded Consciousness sessions have many benefits for wellness including: deeply easing stress, deep rest for the nervous system, increased vitality, unwinding of unwanted habits, and increased general well-being. Craniosacral also has many benefits for Health (active definition of health: as "not a state but a search for equilibrium") including; improved eyesight/vision, reduced acute pain, rehabilitation in the neural field, learning disabilities, gross and fine motor problems, developmental delays, autism, headaches, tinnitus, TMJ syndrome, stress disorders, trauma and neurological conditions.
My work with Craniosacral work is a hybrid practice which includes working with expanded consciousness and with Nature. I work co-creatively with each client given one's individuality and needs. Please note that some themes and issues could find resolution in one session, some in three to four sessions and others over time.
Berlin Practice days Monday, Thursday and Fridays, occasional Saturays.
Please bring a Mask for session work.
I am also continuing to practice long-distance sessions for those who wish. I have received very positive feedback and one of the beautiful benefits of these sessions is I am able to offer continuity for my international clients. Please be in touch if this mode of working interests you.
Feeling fully ensconced in the gorgeous studio/practice space Remise in Schlesische Straße, I will be taking a winter pause from 16.12.2022-09.01.2023.
I continue to develop and exchange this work with my regular clients who inspire me all the time, and I am open to new clients starting in the new year.
WINTER Berlin Pratice break from 6.12.2022-09.01.2023
Public transport
U-Schlesisches Tor, 450m walking OR Bus 265 direction: S-Schöneweide, One Stop: Taborstr. or
S-Treptower Park, walking 1,3 km or Bus 265 direction: U-Stadtmitte/Krausenstr. Three Stops: Taborstr.
Session details
Session duration: 70- 90 minutes
Session fee 90€
Call or send an e-mail for session inquiries:
+49 (0)151 504 26 223
Craniosacral Professional Develeopment sessions:
Sessions in this hands-on non-invasive healing practice last 90 minutes, please dress comfortably, or bring a change of clothes. For example: training pants and a t-shirt with socks.
It is optimal when one's skin is covered for this work with simple clothing for example: not too many shoulder straps, no hoodies please, fancy zippers, thick jeans etc.
Please note: Cancellations made before 24 hours notice will not be charged. Thank you for your understanding.
Termine nur nach Vereinbarung
Terminverhinderungen: 24-Stunden-Regel
Vereinbarte Termine sind verbindlich und kostenpflichtig, falls keine rechtzeitige Absage erfolgt.
Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Verständnis
Wishing you very well.
As always, grateful for your support,